Photo Gallery


As Warren Buffet says, “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” That’s why, like Benjamin Franklin, I truly believe that “Investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” And this is the main reason why I like attending seminars, workshops and expos. Not only do I learn different investment options and tips but I also get to meet the experts from various fields.


COL Financial Positioning for 2015 / July 30, 2014


Registered Financial Planner (RFP) Info-Session / July 24, 2014


Money Summit & Wealth Expo / July 4-5, 2014


Entrepreneur & Franchise Expo / June 27, 2014


PSE Stock Market 101 / June 10, 2014


Philippine Retail Investment Conference (PRIC) / May 28, 2014



These are some of the photos that I’ve personally taken during the seminars that I attended. Just a disclaimer though, these photos do not represent the people or companies that are seen here and neither do I endorse nor am affiliated with any of them unless otherwise stated.

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