
How the Millionaire Mind Intensive Helped Me Manifest My Dream Car!

On my 30th birthday, I achieved something that felt impossible—I got my first car!

Eight years later, I still look back on that moment with gratitude, as it represents not just the car itself but the mindset shifts that made it possible.

The car wasn’t luxurious or expensive, but it was special because of what it represented: a victory of focus, prayer, and the lessons I’d learned about manifesting dreams.

It wasn’t just about the price—it was about what it meant to me and my journey.

Here’s how it all unfolded…

The Dream Began in 2016

In February 2016, while casually walking around the mall with my sister, a car sales agent approached us.

“Are you interested in buying a car?” he asked, handing me a flyer.

I wasn’t really thinking about buying a car that day, but one look at the bright red Toyota Vios on the flyer changed everything.

It was love at first sight!

I even sat inside a display model and pretended it was already mine.

In that moment, I made a bold declaration:

“I love this car, and I’m going to get it for my 30th birthday!”

My sister laughed and encouraged me, “Push mo yan, te! Go for it!”

We laughed, but inside, I felt something click.

Owning a car had always been a dream, and now I was determined to make it happen, despite not having the financial means at the time.

Attending the Millionaire Mind Intensive (MMI)

Around that same time, I attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive (MMI) seminar for the first time, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer.

I didn’t just learn about wealth and abundance; I learned the power of mindset and visualization.

One of the most powerful lessons I took away was the idea that you attract what you think about most.

And from that moment on, I started visualizing my red car as if it were already mine.

I put pictures of the car on my walls, in my journals, and even made it my phone’s wallpaper.


I’d imagine myself driving it and parking it in our garage every day.

My little daughter would even point at the pictures and say, “That’s Mommy’s car!”

It became a fun, shared dream between us.

My husband, though skeptical at first, eventually got on board. He helped me check out different models, test drive cars, and crunch the numbers.

And while we couldn’t afford a brand-new Toyota Vios at that time, we found a Suzuki Celerio that was just right for us.

The Power of Prayer and Persistence

Despite all our efforts, as my birthday approached, we hadn’t yet been approved for a car loan.

I was disappointed but kept my faith, praying and reminding myself that if it was meant for me, God would make it happen.

On the morning of my 30th birthday, I got a phone call that changed everything—our loan had been approved!

My dream car was finally mine, and it arrived on the very day I had declared months before.


The joy I felt that day was indescribable.

It wasn’t just about getting a car; it was proof that with the right mindset, hard work, and faith, you really can manifest your dreams.

How the Millionaire Mind Intensive Can Help You Manifest Your Dreams

Looking back, I realize how powerful the lessons from the Millionaire Mind Intensive were in helping me achieve this goal.

The mindset shifts I learned in those three days gave me the tools to think bigger, stay focused, and believe in the impossible.

Now, I want to share this opportunity with you because the Millionaire Mind Intensive is coming back to the Philippines!

Event Details:

  • What: Millionaire Mind Intensive Philippines (MMI PH 2024)
  • When: October 25 to 27, 2024 (Friday to Sunday)
  • Where: PNB Financial Center, Macapagal Avenue, Pasay City (near World Trade Center)
  • Who Should Attend:
    • Individuals who want to transform their mindset and habits for success
    • Professionals (BPO, skilled workers, corporate employees, OFWs)
    • Small business owners and budding entrepreneurs

Click here for more info about MMI PH 2024.

This event is open to everyone—no matter your age, background, or financial situation, the MMI can teach you how to change your mindset and attract success.

If you’ve been dreaming big but aren’t sure how to make it happen, this is the seminar for you.

Just like it helped me manifest my dream car, it could be the breakthrough you need for your own goals—whether it’s financial freedom, a new business, or even something as personal as buying your dream car.

MMI PH 2024

Why You Should Attend MMI PH 2024

At the MMI, you’ll learn life-changing principles inspired by T. Harv Eker’s best-selling book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.

This seminar doesn’t just teach you about managing money—it’s about reprogramming your beliefs about wealth, success, and abundance.

I’m so grateful for what I learned, and I’m confident that attending MMI PH 2024 can be just as transformative for you.

So, if you’re serious about making your dreams a reality, sign up today!

You can even use my affiliate link (at no extra cost to you) to secure your spot at this life-changing event.

I hope to see you there!

Disclaimer: I’m sharing my personal experience and what worked for me. While I believe in the power of mindset and manifestation, I can’t guarantee specific results. It all depends on your commitment, faith, and effort.

Our Car Manifestation Story: From Vision to Reality

Manifesting our first car was a transformative experience, not just financially but also spiritually.

For a long time, my husband and I had been talking about owning our own car.

Living in Metro Manila, commuting can be tiring, and with a growing family, it became more apparent that we needed our own vehicle for comfort, safety, and convenience.

However, at the time, we were barely making ends meet, and the thought of purchasing a car seemed like an impossible dream.

The First Step: Belief and Visualization

One of the key lessons I learned from the Millionaire Mind Intensive (MMI) seminar I attended was the power of visualization and belief.

We were encouraged to write down our goals and to visualize them as if they were already happening.

This included not only financial goals but also material dreams like owning a house, a car, and even taking dream vacations.

I wrote down our goal of owning a car and set a specific timeline for it, even when I had no idea how we would afford it.

Every day, I imagined us driving that car, feeling the steering wheel, and experiencing the joy and freedom it would bring to our family.

I firmly believed that in time, the resources would come and that God would guide us toward the right decisions.

Here’s how things unfolded for us:

Step 1: Setting a Clear Goal

We wanted to own a car that would be suitable for our family’s needs and budget.

So, we started by researching cars that we liked, then narrowed down our choices to what was practical and aligned with our financial goals.

Step 2: Visualizing Every Day

We made it a point to visualize ourselves in that car daily.

We even went to car dealerships just to see the vehicles in person and test-drive them, which helped make the vision more real in our minds.

Step 3: Acting “As If”

Acting “as if” the car was already ours was a powerful step in the manifestation process.

We began preparing for our new car in small, tangible ways.

We wrote down a list of places we would visit once we had the car and even cleaned out our garage to make space for when it arrived.

To make it even more real, we bought family stickers that we planned to stick on the car’s back window.

These actions not only helped us mentally and emotionally prepare, but they also signaled to the universe that we were ready to welcome the car into our lives.

Step 4: Keeping the Faith
There were times when it felt impossible.

We encountered unexpected expenses and financial setbacks, but we kept our faith.

We continuously reminded ourselves that if it was meant to be, it would happen in God’s perfect time.

Step 5: Taking Inspired Action

We didn’t just sit around and wait.

We took inspired action—whether it was saving more aggressively, finding new streams of income, or educating ourselves on how to manage our money better.

All of these steps aligned us with our goal.

The Power of Divine Timing: Our First Car

Finally, after months of practicing these manifestation techniques, we were able to purchase our first car.

Everything aligned at the right time. We found a great deal, and the financing terms were favorable.

The joy of driving our own car for the first time was indescribable, but beyond the material gain, what stood out was the process—the journey of believing, visualizing, and taking action.

It taught us that with faith and persistence, anything is possible.

My Dream Car Manifestation Journey: A Timeline

I manifested my dream car in just over two months, and here’s a look at the key moments along the way:

  • Feb. 20, 2016 – I spotted the car at the mall and joyfully declared, “I’m totally getting that red beauty for my 30th birthday!”
  • Feb. 26-28, 2016 – Attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar, and everything started to click.
  • March 21, 2016 – I wrote down my dream of owning a car. I kept writing and affirming it every day until my birthday!
  • March 22, 2016 – I put pictures of a red car everywhere—on my walls, my computer, even my phone.
  • April 1, 2016 – We checked out some Honda cars.
  • April 3, 2016 – Then we looked at Toyota cars to see more options.
  • May 2, 2016 – Finally, we visited a Suzuki dealership and even test-drove the Celerio. What a fun experience!
  • May 3, 2016 – We met with car sales agents and submitted car loan applications.
  • May 5, 2016 – The first application was denied. A bit of a downer, but I kept my faith.
  • May 6, 2016 – The next day, another bank came through with an approval, and the car was ready to be ours—on my 30th birthday! 🎉

I kept track of everything—notes, photos, and videos—because I believed in the process.

It worked, and now, I’m living proof that you can manifest your dreams, too!

Our Next Manifestation: My Husband’s Dream Car – The Ford Ranger

After successfully manifesting our first car, we knew the same principles would apply when it came to my husband’s dream car: a Ford Ranger.

However, unlike the first time, this manifestation journey took us two years.

It was a different experience, but the foundation was the same—belief, visualization, and faith.

Setting the Intention for the Ford Ranger

By 2022, our first car was six years old, fully paid off, and still in great condition.

We were still happily using it, but with our growing family—now with a newborn baby boy and our firstborn already 9 years old—my husband and I knew it was time to set our sights on a bigger vehicle.

His dream car, the Ford Ranger, seemed like the perfect fit for both his woodwork business and our love for camping.

Once again, we wrote down this goal and visualized it coming into our lives.

This time, however, we understood that it might take longer due to our current financial situation and other priorities.

But with patience and faith, we trusted that the right time would come.

The Waiting Season

Over the next two years, many things happened—unexpected financial burdens, medical emergencies, and other setbacks that seemed to push the goal further out of reach.

But through it all, we remained persistent.

I kept applying what I had learned from the MMI seminar, focusing on abundance and not on lack.

We prayed and believed that when the time was right, it would come.

Patience and Persistence

This journey tested our patience.

Unlike our first car, which manifested relatively quickly, we had to wait longer for the Ford Ranger.

But during this waiting season, we grew in our faith and trust in God.

Sometimes, we have to be persistent and trust that the delay is not denial.

God’s Perfect Timing

After two years, everything fell into place.

A financial breakthrough came just in time, allowing us to afford the car.

It was a reminder that God’s timing is always perfect.

We got the exact Ford Ranger my husband had been dreaming of, and it felt even sweeter because of the journey we went through to get it.


Key Lessons Learned

1. Trust the Process

Manifestation isn’t always instant. Sometimes, you need to wait and be patient, trusting that things will unfold at the right time.

2. Persistence Pays Off

Even when things seem impossible, keeping your faith and staying persistent will eventually bring you closer to your goal.

3. Gratitude in Every Step

Be grateful not just when you receive the blessing, but also along the journey. Every step, even the hard ones, prepares you for the manifestation of your dreams.

Final Thoughts

Manifesting a car, or anything else for that matter, is about more than just wanting something.

It’s about aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your desire, while also trusting that God will provide in His perfect time.

Both our first car and my husband’s dream Ford Ranger came to us not just because we wanted them, but because we trusted the process, stayed patient, and took inspired action.

If you’re in a season of waiting, remember this:

your dreams are valid, and in the right time, they will manifest.

Keep believing, keep visualizing, and keep the faith alive. God has a way of orchestrating things in the most beautiful ways.

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