iPhone 16 or Ipon Goals: What’s Really Worth Your ₱70,000?

Today’s the big day—the iPhone 16 has officially hit stores in the Philippines!

With its sleek design and impressive features, the iPhone 16 Pro starts at ₱69,990, and the iPhone 16 Pro Max starts at ₱84,990.

The excitement is everywhere—social media is buzzing, and people are lining up in stores.

But the big question on many minds remains:

Should I splurge on this expensive gadget or stick to my savings (ipon)?

From tech enthusiasts to those simply keeping up with trends, buying a new iPhone comes with a mix of emotions—excitement, pressure, and sometimes, a little guilt.

Whether you have extra cash or are saving up just to afford it, the decision isn’t always easy.

So, should you hit that “buy” button? Let’s break it down.

1. The Splurgers: “I Worked Hard For This!”

You’ve been waiting for this! You’ve seen the previews, watched the reviews, and finally, the iPhone 16 is here. You’ve got extra funds to splurge, and you feel you deserve this treat. After all, you work hard, right?

Reality Check: There’s nothing wrong with rewarding yourself after hard work. If buying this phone won’t hurt your finances—meaning your bills, savings, and financial goals are all taken care of—then go ahead! But remember, this emotional high from buying might be short-lived, so make sure you won’t regret it later when reality sets in.

Tip: Make sure your financial goals (like savings or investments) aren’t taking a hit. It’s all about balance. If you’ve got the funds, why not? Just ensure this splurge fits comfortably into your lifestyle.

2. The Savers: “I’ve Been Saving For Months!”


You’ve been ipon-ing (saving) for months—no coffee shop splurges, no shopping sprees—just so you can afford the iPhone 16 without dipping into debt. You feel proud that you’ve saved up responsibly and can now afford the gadget guilt-free.

Reality Check: Congrats on the discipline! However, before you spend those savings, ask yourself: Is this the best way to use my ipon? For example, if you invest that ₱70,000 or ₱85,000 in Pag-IBIG MP2, it could grow significantly over the next five years.

Example: If you invest ₱70,000 in Pag-IBIG MP2 at the historical average dividend rate of 6.686%, here’s how much you could potentially earn in 5 years:

  • Principal Investment: ₱70,000
  • 5-Year Earnings: ₱28,295
  • Total Savings After 5 Years: ₱98,295

That’s close to ₱100,000—just by letting your money grow.

Tip: If you’re all about long-term goals and you’re torn between instant gratification and financial growth, investing could be a smarter option. But if you’re happy with the reward you’ve saved for, you’ve earned the right to enjoy your money.

3. The FOMO Crowd: “I Don’t Want To Miss Out!”


Everyone’s talking about the iPhone 16, and you feel the pressure. You see it on Instagram, TikTok, everywhere! Even if you don’t have the cash to spend, the fear of missing out (FOMO) is pushing you to figure out a way to buy it—maybe even through credit or loans.

Reality Check: Buying something just because others have it or because you don’t want to be left out can be a dangerous path. If you’re borrowing money or going into debt for the sake of keeping up, it can lead to long-term financial struggles. Remember, the “cool factor” fades, but the debt sticks around.

Tip: Try to step back and think about your true motivations. Are you buying this phone for yourself, or because of pressure from others? There’s no shame in waiting for a better financial situation. Contentment can be a powerful antidote to FOMO.

4. The Realists: “Do I Really Need It?”


Your current phone still works fine. It might be a bit slow, but it gets the job done. The iPhone 16 is tempting, but you’re asking yourself the smart question: Do I really need to spend ₱70,000 to ₱85,000 on this phone right now?

Reality Check: It’s easy to get caught up in the hype, but remember that smartphones depreciate quickly. The resale value of your iPhone 16 will likely drop once the next model hits the shelves. Plus, if your phone still works, upgrading might not be a necessity—it could just be a luxury.

Tip: Consider if this purchase is really going to improve your life or if it’s just something you want because it’s the latest trend. If you hold off, you could use that money for something more impactful—like travel, starting a small business, or bolstering your savings.

5. The “I Need It For Work” Buyers: “It’s An Investment!”

For some, the iPhone 16 isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessary tool for work. If you’re a content creator, freelancer, or entrepreneur, having the latest technology might be essential to staying competitive in your field. The improved camera, faster processor, and advanced features can directly impact your productivity and work quality.

Check out the new iPhone 16 on Lazada.

Reality Check: If the iPhone 16 will genuinely improve your work output or help you land more gigs, then this purchase could be seen as an investment rather than a splurge. However, it’s still essential to ensure that the expense fits within your budget and doesn’t strain your finances.

Tip: Consider looking into financing options, like installment plans or trade-ins, that won’t hurt your savings. If this phone is a tool that boosts your income, the return on investment (ROI) might make the purchase worth it.

Alternative Ways to Use ₱70,000-₱85,000

Still on the fence about buying the iPhone 16? Here are a few other ways you could use that same amount of money:

1. Invest in Pag-IBIG MP2

As mentioned earlier, if you invest ₱70,000 in Pag-IBIG MP2, you could have almost ₱100,000 in 5 years. If you have ₱85,000, you could grow it to about ₱119,000—no effort required. That’s a lot of extra cash just by letting your money sit and grow!

2. Start a Small Business

With ₱85,000, you could start a small business. Whether it’s an online store, a food venture, or a side hustle, your initial capital could potentially grow and provide you with more financial stability and freedom.

3. Travel and Make Memories

You could use that ₱70,000 or ₱85,000 to take a much-needed vacation! Imagine taking a trip to Japan, South Korea, or even Europe. You’d create lasting memories, and sometimes, experiences are worth more than material possessions.

4. Boost Your Emergency Fund

In times of uncertainty, having an emergency fund is priceless. Putting that money aside for future needs—whether it’s medical expenses, unexpected repairs, or job loss—can give you peace of mind and financial security.

Final Thoughts: iPhone or Ipon?

Whether you’re buying the iPhone 16 as a reward, a necessity for work, or just to keep up with the trends, the key is to make a decision that aligns with your financial goals.

Are you comfortable with spending ₱70,000-₱85,000 on a gadget that will eventually depreciate? Or could that money be better used elsewhere, like investing, traveling, or saving for your future?

Ultimately, the choice is yours—just make sure it’s a decision you’re making for yourself, not because of social pressure. Whether you go for the iPhone or stick with your ipon, the most important thing is that it aligns with your values and financial well-being.

So, what’s your take? Are you team iPhone or team Ipon?

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments! And if you’re looking for more tips on managing your money and making smart financial choices, join my email list for exclusive insights and advice! Talk to you soon. 🙂

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