
Why You Should Start Your Financial New Year in October

You know how everyone waits until January 1st to start their New Year’s resolutions?

There’s that moment of motivation where you say,

“This is the year I’m going to finally get my finances in order!”

Fast forward a few weeks, and the momentum fades, life gets busy, and those goals get pushed to the side.

Sound familiar?

But what if you didn’t wait?

What if you could start right now and head into the New Year already in control of your finances?

No scramble, no stress, no post-holiday panic.

Here’s why October is the perfect time to hit the “reset” button on your financial goals and how you can start taking action today.

5 Powerful Reasons to Start Your Financial New Year in October

1. Get Ahead of the Holiday Spending Frenzy

Let’s be real: the holidays are a time when people spend.

Between gift shopping, parties, decorations, and travel, it’s easy to blow your budget (or worse, rack up credit card debt that follows you into the New Year).

Starting your financial year in October gives you a head start on planning for the holidays, so you can enjoy the season without going broke.

Here’s how:

  • Set a Holiday Budget Now

If you plan your holiday budget in October, you won’t be caught off guard by last-minute expenses.

Write down all anticipated costs—from gifts and meals to travel and events.

By getting organized now, you can avoid the “I’ll deal with it later” trap that leads to impulsive spending.

READ: Payday Planning: A Simple Guide to Budgeting 

  • Build a Holiday Fund

If you start putting money aside now, even a small amount each week, you can build a buffer that will cushion your holiday expenses.

Imagine having the cash ready and not relying on credit cards to cover your holiday shopping!

By starting early, you’re giving yourself a gift: a holiday season that’s stress-free because you’re financially prepared.

2. Avoid the January Financial Hangover

We all know how it feels when the credit card statements roll in come January, and the total from holiday spending hits you like a ton of bricks.

That’s why October is such a powerful month to start taking control.

If you begin your financial “new year” now, you’re not only preparing for the holidays but also setting yourself up to avoid that dreaded financial hangover.

Here’s how to avoid it:

  • Assess Your Debt

Do you know how much debt you’re carrying? This is the perfect time to do a full debt review.

By understanding where you stand with your loans, credit cards, and other debts, you can create a plan to reduce or eliminate them before 2024 begins.

  • Start a Debt Repayment Plan

Whether it’s using the debt snowball method (where you focus on paying off smaller debts first) or the debt avalanche method (where you pay off high-interest debts first), October gives you a head start on attacking your debt before the holiday spending adds to the total.

Imagine going into 2024 with less debt than you have now. It’s possible—if you start now.

READ: Breaking Free from Debt Denial: Your Ultimate Financial Wake-Up Call 


3. Build Financial Habits Without the January Pressure

January brings a rush of new resolutions, and let’s face it—most of them fizzle out by February.

One of the reasons is that there’s so much pressure to overhaul your entire life all at once, and it becomes overwhelming.

Starting in October allows you to ease into your financial goals without the “New Year, New Me” chaos.

  • Take Small Steps

By setting smaller, achievable goals, you can start creating financial habits that will actually stick.

For example, start tracking your spending for one month or commit to setting aside 5-10% of your income for savings.

  • Automate Your Savings

Set up automatic transfers from your checking account to savings now.

It’s a simple habit that can make a huge difference over time.

By the time January hits, saving will be a part of your routine, not something you have to think about.

These incremental changes over the last quarter of the year will snowball into bigger results by the time January comes around.

You’ll be miles ahead of those who are just starting their financial goals then!

4. Reflect on the Year So Far (and Course-Correct!)

October is a great time to reflect on the progress you’ve made (or haven’t made) financially throughout the year.

Instead of waiting until the end of December when things are hectic, you can do a calm, thoughtful review of your finances now.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What were my financial wins this year?

Did you pay off a chunk of debt, save more than expected, or stick to a budget? Celebrate those victories!

  • Where did I fall short?

Maybe your savings didn’t grow as much as you wanted, or debt crept back up. That’s okay! This is the perfect time to adjust your strategy so you don’t repeat the same mistakes in the last quarter of the year.

  • What changes can I make right now?

Even small changes, like canceling unused subscriptions, creating a stricter grocery budget, or finding ways to increase income, can have a big impact over the next few months.

This reflection will give you clarity and help you finish the year strong, instead of feeling like you’re playing catch-up in January.

5. Feel Less Stressed & More in Control

There’s a reason financial stress ranks among the top causes of anxiety for most people.

The uncertainty of not knowing where your money is going or how much debt you’re carrying can weigh heavily on your mental health.

But taking control of your finances now—before the holidays and before the New Year—can help you feel empowered, calm, and in control.

Here’s what starting your financial year in October can do for you:

  • Peace of Mind During the Holidays

Knowing you’ve budgeted and planned ahead allows you to enjoy the season without financial stress hanging over your head.

  • Confidence Going Into 2024

While others scramble to figure out how to “get their finances in order” come January, you’ll be walking into the New Year already in control and with a clear path forward.

READ: Mind Over Money: How Debt Seriously Impacts Your Mental Health 


How to Start Your Financial New Year in October

Ready to start your financial fresh start now? Here are some simple, actionable steps you can take:

1. Review Your Current Finances

Sit down with your bank statements, credit card bills, and any loan statements. Know exactly what’s coming in and what’s going out.

2. Set a Budget

Create a realistic budget that includes your needs, wants, and savings goals. This will serve as your roadmap for the rest of the year.

3. Plan for the Holidays

Start setting aside money for holiday spending now. Make a list of all expected costs so you’re not caught off guard.

4. Build or Adjust Your Debt Repayment Plan

Focus on paying off high-interest debts first, or use the snowball method to pay off small balances quickly.

5. Set Financial Goals for Q4

These can be small! Saving ₱5,000 or $100 for the holidays, paying off one credit card, or sticking to your budget for three months are all fantastic goals.

READ: How the Millionaire Mind Intensive Helped Me Manifest My Dream Car! 

The Bottom Line: Don’t Wait Until January

Starting your financial New Year in October gives you a head start on managing your money.

It allows you to get ahead of holiday spending, tackle debt before it grows, and create sustainable financial habits without the pressure of January resolutions.

So, don’t wait—take control of your finances today, and when the New Year arrives, you’ll be celebrating financial wins instead of scrambling to recover from holiday debt.

Ready to Get Started?

Exciting news! I’m creating a Holiday Budget Planner and Debt Tracker Template to help you stay on top of your finances.

They’ll be available soon, so stay tuned for updates! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Why You Should Start Your Financial New Year in October”

  1. Jonard gonzales

    Very helpful ma’am ☺️ I’m so blessed to follow your page. Sa ngayon meron pa akong utang pero alam ko darating din ang panahon na mababayaran ko lahat yun. Inspired po ako sa mga pinopost nyo ma’am. Maraming salamat po 😇

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! 😊 I’m really happy to know that my posts are helping you. Don’t lose hope—you’ll be able to pay off your debts, little by little. Just keep staying disciplined and committed, and one day you’ll achieve financial freedom. I’m here to support you on your journey. 💪✨

      Thank you as well for following my page!

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